No Apology

Apologetics – The branch of theology that is concerned with the defense of Christian doctrines. Having the character of apology; regretfully excusing; Defending by words or arguments; said or written in defense. The defense of the Christian faith on intellectual grounds by trained theologians and philosophers. From the Greek [apologia], which means to make a plea for, or make a defense of whatever is in view.

Hence, the above definitions concerning apologetics composed from three on-line resources. Researching the word further, examples were given of apologists from Tertullian to C.S. Lewis, and many others in between. There is actually a group that is considered to be the leaders in the field of Christian apologetics. And I have to wonder, why? Is it just me? Am I the only one left that does not feel the need to somehow make the Bible legitimate by the use of science, archaeology, or philosophy?

I do not feel I need to defend my position on ‘climate change’ – the ones who are slanted to that belief are the ones that have to keep changing the term. Not too long ago, it was officially called ‘global warming’. When the globe stopped warming, oh, say ten years ago by the data, the term was changed. The Word of God tells me that every time I see a rainbow I am to be reminded that “While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” That is enough for me to believe in and there is no room within those words for it to be stated otherwise.

The world celebrates the bicentennial of Charles Darwin this year along with his theory of evolution. Yet that theory has been stuck for the last one-hundred and fifty years by a significant lack of proof as to the legitimacy thereof. Nothing is evolving; no changes have been observed or recorded, and absolutely no evidence has been put forth as proof. At best it remains simply a theory. Sorry. (Ok, maybe I have something to apologize for!)

Should a man be allowed to marry another man? Is homosexuality caused by a gene that is passed from one generation to the next? Are people born that way? Not according to the Bible and ironically, by Darwin’s own theory of ‘survival of the fittest’ as well. If there is any cotton to evolution, a gene that would prevent reproduction (men with men can’t!) would have long-since evolved out of our DNA as man ascended and established his supremacy.

So why a Christian would be required to “defend by words or arguments” their faith through the use of the field of apologetics is beyond me. Maybe I just don’t get it, but in my own mind I’m with Paul when he wrote, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”

Maybe that is what is wrong with our churches and our faith in this day and age. Everything we as Christians believe is completely based upon faith, and specifically; a faith in things that cannot be proven.

We are never going to convince the world that all of the things in the Bible are acceptable as truth. The things of God appear to be foolishness in the eyes of the world, and unless the Holy Spirit intercedes in their hearts (as we witness to them) it will remain as such. By apologizing for our faith through an attempt to provide physical proof, we are missing the point. And worse, in a very real way, we are conforming to the world instead of transforming our own hearts, which is what we have been called upon by God to do.

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