Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin warned the western world today that we should not try and intimidate Iran with talk of sanctions and other methods of pressure. Unless you have been under a rock for a few years, you have probably heard by now that Iran is seeking to build their own stockpile of nuclear weapons and their leader has been threatening to annihilate Israel should they ever acquire them.
Politics is a mess in our own country. Caught up in the struggle between the goals of the political left and the right appear to be a lot of things that are just not being accomplished. I can see the pros and the cons of healthcare, yet I also know by judging from past governmental performance in areas such as schools, welfare, and even the post office, that whatever they do will be rife with fraud and waste.
In Florida, three teens were sentenced to life in prison for raping a women and abusing her young son. When the verdicts were handed down, despite DNA evidence, fingerprints, positive identification by the victims, and one of the suspects turning evidence on the others; the courtroom erupted in bedlam as the defendant’s families went berserk over what they perceived to be the severe injustice applied to the teenaged boys.
Is there any logic to be found these days? Does Putin realize that Iran would be more than apt to use their nuclear arms should they be allowed to build them? The government appears to have no concept as to the limit of what the average tax-paying American citizen can leverage on his budget, or that yes, there is a finite supply of money in the treasury because the dollar must be propped up by something of value. If a group of boys have been convicted of a heinous crime, should they not be punished? And these were just a few things that caught my eye in the news today that defy logic – there were many more.
Ah, but you say Shannon, those are the views of a conservative. And you are correct. Not everyone thinks the way I do. We should be friends with and trust Iran, and ignore the costs of healthcare reform because it is a good thing. And possibly those young teenagers were misrepresented by their attorney – maybe he didn’t do a good enough job in the courtroom.
Whatever the case, in any article I read on the news today from politics to world events, I seem to be finding my manner of thinking more and more in the minority of opinion. You see, I adhere to Biblical principles and as such I can be dismissed as a dinosaur due to my logic and arcane beliefs. We seem to be so enlightened these days, what with our new-age way of thinking and our deep thoughts on all subjects; it is only a matter of time before everything will be beautiful once again. The world will be a better place as all of our problems are solved by science, technology, and secular humanism.
My problem is that I don’t really believe that. I don’t buy into it. The world is looking for answers that only God can provide, and society has made every attempt humanly possible to marginalize and discredit Him. Our very enlightenment removes our dependence on God, relegating our Creator to the shadows of the past and a time that has seemingly passed us by. With our expertise, our experience, our technology, and our thinking, we will go forward and build a world that will stand for the ages. We have become a modern-day Nimrod, peering into the dark, desert sky and proclaiming, “Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.”
God dispersed Nimrod and his society to the four corners of the earth. I highly doubt He will allow our new-found logic and enlightened reasoning to escape a similar fate.
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