In The Name Of Peace

First off, this is not a post about our President and the fact that he garnered a Nobel Peace Prize today for seemingly bringing about no change in that area so far during his tenure. I am sure the boys in Oslo have a method to their madness and as such I’ll give them the benefit of a doubt as to whether or not the award was merited.

This is a post you may or may not agree with, but I have been thinking about this and when something gets on my mind it will usually end up recorded this blog. Having said that, let’s move on...

There is a lot of thought in churches today on the end times that we seem to be living in, and speculation abounds as to the identity and arrival of the anti-Christ. He is prophesied in the Bible and that leaves no doubt, at least to me, that his appearance on the scene will be a sure-thing. The general consensus is that he will be a great leader and will come to power through his might, subordinating the world to his control in the process. I, too, believe that his rule will be absolute, but I also think that the manner in which he becomes ruler may not revolve around military implications. I think our society could be much easier led astray by one who would come to us in the name of peace.

It is the subtle things in the Bible that I am referring to at the same time. In Revelation, John is told to ‘come and see’ and catches a glimpse of four horsemen. “And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.” Revelation 6:2. As a believer in the Bible as a book without error, with perfection in the Word, I also believe that every word has significance. This first rider is always translated as a description of the anti-Christ regardless of theological viewpoint. He rides forth as a conqueror, and that is exactly what the anti-Christ is expected by everyone who reads their Bible to do. Notice that he rides a white horse, which is a fake imitation of the appearance of Jesus later on near the end of the book when He makes His appearance at Armageddon. Satan tries his best to imitate God because he wants to be God, but that will never happen.

So this horseman, the anti-Christ, rides forth conquering. And he is imitating Christ in the process. Jesus warns in Matthew 24, “There shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” Our best bet is not to be deceived, because if we know God’s Word, perhaps it will be less possible for us to fall for this imposter once he arrives on the scene.

But I notice something missing in John’s description, very subtle, but yet it is there and has been on my mind a lot these days. Notice the rider has a bow, but John does not mention arrows. What good is a bow in that case? If I went bow-hunting I would take a bow, obviously, but I would also have at least a few arrows. Maybe John didn’t notice the arrows, or he is trying to imply they were there? Maybe a bow means something else? I highly doubt this because as I have said before, the Bible does not mince words.

I’m seeing a new trend develop in our politics today, apparently born from a strong desire by others that we disarm our country. You cannot turn on the news without witnessing a story on proposed nuclear reductions or a discussion of military cutbacks. We are advised that we are going to do so in the name of peace. It sounds rational; it sounds like a great idea. But the empty political rhetoric reminds me of England's Neville Chamberlain in the years leading up to World War II, as he returned from Munich to proclaim that his efforts had brought about ‘peace in our time’. Within three years the same Germany he had bargained with had invaded Poland and the world was plunged into the chaos of a global war. Today, we are still clamoring for ‘peace, peace, when there is no peace’. (Jeremiah 8:11)

In the end we will probably disarm, effectively leaving us holding a bow with no arrows. What is going to happen at that point and what 'slouching beast' will that open the door for?

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